Meet the Disco Divas... The perfect accompaniment to festive dressing up!

Its been a while since we tingled your taste buds with something sassy, stylish and sensational my style sirens! At last we have bought out some brand new styles, just in time to line those stockings with a little sparkle and spice! Here's the run down on a few of our faves!
After the success of the two limited edition metallic runs at Wilderness 16/17 we decided to go ahead and give some of our most coveted style the Midas touch! Wilderness 16 we had 'All Gold Everything' and this year it was 'Mirror ball madness' Bringing silver and gold into the fold. Our resident queen of the flower crown FLORAL EMPRESS has been given the royal treatment and now comes in Gold and Silver, DISCO BALLS INCLUDED DARLING!!!
Tiger Lilly has been one of our most desired divas this season and in her Silver reincarnation she sold out at this summers wilderness, so we decided to bring her back with a golden girlfriend to tease and tantalise the metallic masses! Puuuuuurfect for a prowling party animal!
You ask and we create! Some folks just aren't made to do the symmetrical salsa! Some like there sass to be a little bit sideways... And for my not quite upright citizens of style I created this diagonal diva. She perches on the side an delivers something a little different! Disco diva realness and then some!
The perfect accompaniment for for party season style. What goes best with those festive sparkles....?? Our Disco Dolls!!!